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first you have on the halter, you attach the lounge line, then you stand in the center of the arena with the whip pointed at their but and give commands like you are riding, such as walk, trot, canter, etc.

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Q: How do you lounge a horse?
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Related questions

What is a lounge line?

It's a long line used for when you lunge a horse.

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lounge line

How is horse equipment used on a horse?

By equipment I assume you mean tack. The halter is used to lead, lounge or tie your horse. The bridle is a headstall, bit and reins and this helps the rider direct the horse where he wants the horse to go. The saddle, whether western or english, is strapped to the horse's back and where the rider sits.

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Crew lounge, ship lounge, t.v. lounge.

How do you put lounge in a sentence?

How do you put "lounge" in a sentence? I(/He/They/She/The wizard/etc.) went to the lounge. I(/He/They/She/The wizard/etc.) out the (object) in the lounge. I(/He/They/She/The wizard/etc.) set the lounge on fire. Would you(/He/They/She/The wizard/etc.) like to go to the lounge? Meet me(/He/They/She/The wizard/etc.) in the lounge. There are also many other possibilities.

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A Lounge A Lounge

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What is a sentence of this word lounge?

On weekends, we like to lounge about in the morning. It was late, but the lounge was still open.

How do you use apostrophe in teacher's lounge?

If it was the private lounge for just one teacher, the singular possessive form is "teacher's lounge".If it was the common lounge used by many teachers, the plural possessive form is "teachers' lounge".

What is the cheapest ab lounge you can buy on Amazon?

The cheapest lounge available on Amazon is the Ab Lounge Sport. On Amazon the Ab Lounge Sport is sold for $125. The Ab Lounge Sport works out both the upper and lower abs.

How do you ride a horse without a horse?

first: you go somewhere the horse wont get distracted. second : get a lounge line. i recommend one that has a bungee at the end along with a Chane to protect the horse from harm third;take the whip with out hiting the horse tap the ground and tell he/she to move out forth:give the simple commands he'she know You can also put a saddle on the horse so that he has some weight on him!