There are a couple of ways to get the burnt taste out of spaghetti sauce. You can try placing a peeled raw potato into the pot of sauce. It usually works by absorbing the burnt taste. You could also try adding in some peanut butter or sugar.
1) take the pan of burned food off the heat and put it in a bowl or sink of COLD water for about 15 mins. Just take the pan and put it in the water food and all. 2) after 15 mins. take all the NON-BURNED food out of the pan, that means the food on top, do not scrape the burned food off the pan, and transfer to clean pan. 3) reheat the food carefully which has not been burned. This should get rid of the burned taste of the food.
If it's rice that you have burnt, stick a fork in the middle of the pot. This will draw the burnt taste out of the rice (some of it anyway) If you slightly burn a sauce add a little English mustard but don't allow it to boil again or its effect will not work
Tomato sauce
Baking Soda is used to neutralize the acidity of the tomatoes in spaghetti sauce. If there was too much baking soda added, you might be able to add a little vinegar or even better a red wine vinegar to raise the acidity of the sauce or add more tomato sauce.
First you must sanitize your hands by placing them into a pot of boiling water. Once this is done, you must dunk the brisket in toilet water. This will neutralize the salty taste. Real funny. this is a serious question not meant for answers like that.
put hot sauce ion it
By spilling spaghetti sauce on your shirt! Or bleach. Or shout.
to get rid of the bad taste in spoiled make food taste better
you don't eat it in the start :|
the skin gets burned off by a docter who can do it
You would get ride of the taste and smell of moth balls in the same way that you would do it for anything else. Some people do different things, but usually eating anything else with a strong flavor should get rid of the taste, and just use your preferred scent to get rid of the smell.
If you don't let the berries get freezer burn in the first place, then they will have no such taste. If they aren't in sauce, perhaps rinsing them off might get rid of an off flavor, if it is just a faint stale smell in the freezer itself, rather than actual freezer burn.