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It is possible to help anyone with an addiction.

It is possible to help anyone with an addiction.

Show them the documentary called Supersize Me. If that doesn't put anyone off of McD's food, I don't know what will. Yikes!

yes it is very easiy to become addicted to mcdonalds you even get people risking there driving lisences to get a mcdonalds as they are drink driving also if they come from a deprived place like an island of the west coast of Scotland they can become relient on it.

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16y ago

The best tactic I've heard to stop a given addiction is to replace it with something better. One of the most common stories I've heard regarding fast food comes from trying to substitute for them something from home. A girl would try to give up fast food for home made tuna Sandwiches, but not only was she back there at the first emotional crisis, but subconsciously created an emotional crisis to get there. Hence, try substituting a sit-down diner or a café for your fast-food exploits. You might find a more tantalizing selection of options that are significantly more nutritious. Note also that diet (voluntary famine) is one of the most difficult ways to try to lose weight, or change your shape. A better tactic is to increase your activity levels towards a regular regimen of exercise.

Note that carbonated soft drinks remain the most popular junk food item throughout the world. If you can replace your dependency on that with juice, tea or water, that would be an immense step.

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