Yes they were using horse meat in the burgers and mixing it with the ground beef from the cow
Answer 2:
If you are referring to the UK/ European horse meat scandal then no, it was Burger King that used horse meat in their burgers. Burger King itself did not mix the horse meat in with the beef, that occurred at the processing facility and Burger King has since stopped receiving meat products from that processor.
I have no idea. Why do you need this answered anyway? Nobody cares what Illinois eats. Ostrich meat is weird. Who would want to kill an ostrich? No offense to the people of Illinois.
According to the site: Islamic food and drink which is found here: . Ostrich meat is Halal.
Some supermarkets or from ostrich farms. The more cosmopolitan the population the easier it is to find. Meat yield depends on breed and age. A one year old can typically yield 50 - 60 Kg
It is meat used in quarter pounder burgers in mcdonalds and also in kiwi burgers in New Zealand mcdonalds.
No they do not. They are kept for their meat and feathers.
Yes, it taste exactly like emu meat
human meat in mcdonalds
Between the two, ostrich is definitely the healthier protein choice. Ostrich is one of the lowest fat content meats available.
Great for meat, feathers, eggs and leather.
Prison if not legal?
No, probably just a rumor. The meat is perfectly fine.
There is not a complete list of restaurants that use Tyson mechanically separated chicken. One restaurant that does use the meat is McDonalds.