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Q: Does KFC still abuse chickens
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Does KFC abuse chickens in Louisiana?

Yes they do know about the abuse kfc has been asked to change killing methods and change supplyers and it is does not cost more. Go to peta kfc crulity or utube

Are Battery chickens still used for KFC?


Are you consumer of KFC Do you know about their politics towards chickens would you still go and buy a food their if you know that their politics towards animals is cruel?

I am not a consumer of KFC. They are one of the cruelest food companies alive. Their chickens get treated like rags. There is footage of KFC chicken workers throwing the chickens about and deliberatly walking on them. Not good. Please boycott KFC.

What does KFC do to chickens?

yes, they cut off there sensitive beaks so they won't scream then they brake there legs and cut them also they even give them drugs to fatten them up so it's quicker to kill them so really ur eating druged up chickens enjoy They cut their throats off too when the chickens are still conscious and able to feel pain. It would cost KFC nothing to stop this cruelty but they refuse. If you asked Colonel Sanders (KFC founder) about the chickens he uses, he might say that the best way to keep a prisoner is to let the guards have their fun. So if the KFC workers wanted to kick a chicken to death, he would be allowed to do so.

Does KFC in india imports chicken from america?

No, the KFC restaurants in Indian do not import chickens from America. They are self sufficient with their chickens.

Is it fact or opinion that kfc has engineered chickens that do not have beaks and are double breasted?

It's actually completely false. Check about "KFC Mutant Chickens."

Does KFC use real meat?

Yes, KFC uses real chickens.

How kfc chicken are grown?

Kfc chickens are grown* by being geneticly spliced

Why do farmers slaughter chickens?

Kfc 4 me

What restaurants abuse their animals?


Is the chickens to KFC in India are from India itself?

You can never be sure but in some the chickens are from India.

How many Kentucky Fried Chickens are in Tennessee?

There are 30 KFC's in Tennessee.