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No they don't. They have coffee with donuts but the Italian style.

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No ~ Pasta For Lunch

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Q: Do Italians eat pasta for breakfast?
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What does they eat pasta but not hamburgers mean?

That they are Italians.

What holiday foods do Italians eat?

Italians eat several foods like pasta, pizza...ect

Do people eat lots of pasta in Italy?

Yes. Invented by the Italians and eaten by the Italians.

Which mealtime do Italians traditionally eat pasta?


What do diabetic Italians eat if they can't eat pasta?

If you are talking about juvinile or type one diabetes then... Diabetic can eat what ever they want as long as they get insulin for it.. i have it.. so i know.. so Italians diabetics can eat pasta.. i eat it all the time!!!!

What is a typical Italian?

All Italians eat pasta and pizza. All Italians wear silk clothes

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What type of food do Italians eat?

Spaghetti and beans... They call it pasta fazoola...

What are some foods that Italians eat?

raviole,pasta, pizza,garlic bread,spagetti,venison

Is there a tradition that says Italians eat pasta on Sundays?

There is no such tradition, but certain regions of Italy may traditionally eat certain types of pasta on certain days or times of the year.

What do Italian's eat?

Italians eat things like pasta pizza casserole meats cheese wine olive oil all very healthy