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Check with your job service center or unemployment center. They will have the types of employment teens in your area are allowed to do. However at 14 I think you will still need a parent's wavier (permission)

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15y ago
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15y ago

No, the labor department law is that you cannot pay underage minors, thank the child labor law.. It depends on where you live. For individuals 14 years of age or older, some jobs are listed below. There are though limits to how many hours you can work. The follow is according to the State of New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development. You should check how this would apply to the state you are living in.

At 14 years of age they may do many jobs:

* Clerical and office jobs in industrial wholesale, retail, service, and professional establishments.

* Hotel jobs.

* Sales persons.

* Solicitors.

* Collectors

* Distributors.

* Demonstrators.

* Delivery jobs other than with a motor vehicle.

* Newspaper and magazine delivery over non-residential routes.

* Restaurant jobs.

* Soda fountain jobs.

* Mercantile store jobs.

* Supermarket and food store jobs.

* Amusement industry jobs.

* Standard office type machine operators.

* Standard domestic type machine operators.

* Hospital and health agency jobs.

* Library attendants.

* Professional assistants.

* Counselors at camps, beach attendants, lifeguards, caddies, pinsetters.

* Domestic helpers, maids, cooks, cleaners, baby-sitters, janitors.

* Singers, models, entertainers, dancers, and theatrical work.

* Plus all jobs listed for 12 year olds and many more.

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14y ago


You can get a job at 14 but there are certain circumstances though. This may be very helpful...!!


AGE 14 and 15 YEARS

The following will apply to all minors 14 and 15 years of age including those participating in a home school program:

1. May work three hours per day on a school day, eight hours a day on a non-school day and up to 18 hours total in a week when school is in session.
2. May work eight hours per day, 40 hours per week when school is not in session for the entire school week.
3. May work between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
4. Between June 1 and Labor Day the minor may work as late as 9 p.m.
5. Minors under 16 years of age may not be employed during regular school hours.
6. See a list of prohibited duties considered hazardous by selecting 803 KAR 1:100 in addition to the list provided below.

Prohibited jobs:

1. Manufacturing or storing explosives
2. Driving a motor vehicle and being an outside helper on a motor vehicle
3. Coal mining
4. Logging and saw-milling
5. Power-driven wood-working machines
6. Exposure to radioactive substances and to ionizing radiations
7. Power-driven hoisting equipment
8. Power-driven metal-forming, punching and shearing machines
9. Mining, other than coal mining
10.Slaughtering, meat packing or processing (including power-driven meat slicing machines)
11.Power-driven bakery machines
12.Power-driven paper-products machines
13 Manufacturing brick, tile and related products
14.Power-driven circular saws, band saws and guillotine shears
15.Wrecking, demolition and ship-breaking operations
16.Roofing operations
17.Excavation operations
18.In, about or in connection with any establishments where alcoholic liquors are distilled, rectified, compounded, brewed, manufactured, bottled, sold for consumption or dispensed unless permitted by the rules and regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (except they may be employed in places where the sale of Alcoholic Beverages by the package is merely incidental to the main business actually conducted).
19.Pool or billiard room

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One place that hires 14 year olds in Louisville Ky is Chick Fil-A. :)

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10y ago

No, a 14-year-old can not work at Burger King. The law states that they must be at least 16 years of age.

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15y ago

no, because the age you need to be in order to have a job for more than and hour is 16, due to child labor laws.

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