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No, you cannot work at BK unless you are 15 and have a Workers Permit, that you can obtain from your local governmental agency. However, if you are 20 you can just work their by filing out a job application.

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12y ago
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10y ago

Probably not. Most companies will not hire anyone under 16.

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15y ago

no you cant work in Burger King or at any fast food places at the age of 14. but you can work in theaters at the concession stand and sometimes you can help out in the library's

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11y ago

No, you have to be 16

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Q: Can you work at Burger King at age 15 in Maryland?
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What places can you work at age 15?

McDonalds and Burger King

What is the stating age to work at halo burger?

You have to be at least 14 years of age to work at halo burger.

How old do you have to be in Burger King?

any age

What places can i work at the age of sixteen?

you can maybe work at mcdonalds or wendys or burger king any fast food place they will probaly let you work there.

What is Hiring age at mcDonald's or Burger King?

16 but some may hire if you are turning 16 and you have a student work permit

What jobs can you do when your 13 years old?

you can work at mcdonalds burger king or any side job that you would at least get good payments for your age

Can a 15 year old get a job at Burger King?

A 15 year old can not get a job at Burger King. people must be at least 16 years of age to work in the Burger King restaurant.

What hires at the age of fifteen?

not many thing you only can work places like burger king the super market or like car washer basicly srry.....

How old do you have to be to work at Burger King if you have a workers permit?

The minimum age to work at a McDonalds is 14 years of age. It may vary from state to state, but no state can permit someone under 14 years of age to work at McDonalds under normal circumstances.

What do I need to able to work at Burger King?

You should be of legal age to work, the ability to count change correctly, use the English language properly and be presentable(wash,shower,brush your teeth,etc).

What is the legal age to work in the Maryland?

ages 14 and under cannot work but 14 and over can

At what age can a minor work and receive pay in Maryland?

In Maryland minors can start working and receiving pay at age 14 as long as you have a form from your guidance counselor or principal stating that you are 14 or older and that you are able to work hope this answers your question.