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absolutely. The thermometer doesn't know what kind of food its being used for. I would suggest getting a food thermometer by Taylor. Good for all dishes and meats

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Q: Can you use a meat thermometer for lasagna?
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When would you use regular thermometer?

Use a regular thermometer to test your body (or a child's body) for fever. Use a meat thermometer when cooking meat, and an outdoor thermometer to check the weather outside.

What do cooks use to tell when meat is done?

Meat Thermometer

Can you use a meat thermometer for foods other than meat?

Yea, why wouldn't you? It's still a thermometer either way.

What is a cheese lasagna?

That's a lasagna withOUT meat! -Try a 'four-cheese' lasagna sometime!

How do you measure the temperature of fire?

You can be simple and use a meat thermometer they you use to measure the heat of cooked meat

What could you use to replace meat in lasagna for a vegetarian?

you could subsitute the meat with extra cheese and even put a few potatoes in

What is lasange?

Lasagna is meat then pasta meat then pasta meat then pasta and always has cheese on it...!

What are the proteins in a lasagna recipe?

fat and meat

How do you tell is meat thermometer has mercury?

Mercury meat thermometers are typically glass with a silver line that expands when heated by the meat. If you suspect your meat thermometer contains mercury, do not use it and dispose of it properly according to your local regulations for hazardous waste.

What can one measure with a Taylor thermometer?

When cooking meat it may be an idea to use a Taylor thermometer to keep checking the temperature of the meat. When the correct temperature is reached the meat should be ready to come out of the oven to cool ready for serving.

What is a good vegetable lasagna recipe?

A good vegetable lasagna can be made just as easily as one containing meat. Use all the same ingredients and directions your normally would, but forgo the meat. Instead, a good alternative would be mushrooms, spinach, and green peppers.

Which probe should be use to check the temperature of a pork roast?

Meat thermometer.