The French, they are almost a doughtnutlike French pastery.
un beignet (masc.)
"To cook African donuts" is "faire / cuisiner des beignets africains" in French.
New Orleans, is known not only for its beignets, but for much other Cajun food, southern cuisine, and French food. The whole city is considered to be a gastronome's delight.
"Chicken nuggets" is an English equivalent of "les beignets de poulet."Specifically, the plural definite article "les" means "the." The masculine noun "beignets" means "dougnuts." The preposition "de" means "of, from." The masculine noun "poulet" means "chicken."The pronunciation is "leh beh-nyeh duh poo-leh."
Beignets - from Cafe Du Monde. YUM
The term beignet can be applied to two varieties, depending on the type of pastry. The French doughnut beignet in the United States is simply a deep-fried pastry; this variety is very similar to Italian zeppole. Beignets can also be made with yeast pastry as well however - such yeast donuts might be called boules de Berlin in French, referring to Berliner doughnuts which have a ball shape filled with fruit or jam.
Caf du Monde and Morning Call are two popular spots in New Orleans to enjoy traditional beignets.
Beignets from New Orleans
Beignets from New Orleans
Beignets should be stored in an airtight container at room temperature to maintain their freshness and quality. Avoid storing them in the refrigerator as this can make them soggy.