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If the leopard geckos is full grown then yes.

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Q: Your leopard gecko has bumps on her back legs?
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Related questions

How do you tell if a leopard gecko is a girl?

If the gecko is a female, there will be no lines on the belly between the back legs.

Does a gecko have 2 legs?

No, a gecko has four legs.

How do you sex a house gecko?

all male gecko's should have a V shaped marking right above their back legs if they dont it is mostlikely a female.

Do gecko legs regenerate?

no unfortunatly

How do you tell when leopard geckos are pregnant?

on the underside of a crested gecko are two visable organs. The intestines and the liver. They are dark blue in coloration, almost black. On each side of these dark organs are where the eggs will be visable if "egg bound"

What do you do when there are red bumps on your legs?

When u shave it gives u red bumps I get them all the time in the winter, cuz my legs are dry

Do leopard gecko's attack each other?

Actually they can and will attack each other. I found one of my leopard geckos dead because the other one attacked it. Its tail was pulled off and its front legs were missing. You are seriously mistaken when you believe they will not attack each other. It is survival of the fittest.

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a ammut eats your heart if it is bad or good i will not

What is a rash of raised bumps on your chest back shoulders legs and arms that have pusey heads with a slight itch?

poison ivy

What are goss pumps?

we have goss bumps very often. goss bumps usually happens on our hand and legs..

How long does it take for a leopard frog tadpole to grow legs?

It typically takes about 6-9 weeks for a leopard frog tadpole to grow its hind legs. The front legs usually develop a week or two after the hind legs. At this stage, the tadpole is undergoing metamorphosis into a frog.

The common characteristic of sparrow and gecko?

It is warmblooded and has scales on its legs only.