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only if there very hungrey

This is not true. Corn snakes are far from cannibalistic, unlike king snakes. If the cage is too small however, they will become stressed. Stress also stems from the snakes being very different in size.

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13y ago
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15y ago

It will depend on the size of the snakes. A kingsnake can kill a snake larger than it itself but may struggle to consume a snake that is larger than itself.

It is certainly possible that it will be able to kill and eat a snake larger than itself though and i have witnessed it. It is just very rare since the king snakes (Lampropeltis) prefer to take smaller prey for ease.

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13y ago

no because there the same the color is not but there the same very the same

Actually, yes. Since rat snakes are usually bigger,depending on the size,one snake will eat the other. I wouldn't put the two snake together without close supervison.

Both corn and rat snakes are constricters so be carefull and watch signs of constricting.

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14y ago

Uh, corn snakes ARE a type of rat snake. They are also called the red rat snake. A king snake might eat a rat snake but corn snakes will eat mostly rodents.

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12y ago

Yes. There are snakes that diet consist of other snakes. King Cobras and king snakes are two of the most common.

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12y ago

yes the do.

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Q: Will a corn snake eat another corn snake?
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What do corn snaks eat?

In captivity, a corn snake will eat mice or rats. In the wild, a corn snake will eat anything it can find, such as birds, lizards, bats, or frogs.

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How does a corn snake eat?

with there mouth

What is a corn snake niche?

To eat the mice that are eating the corn in the corn fields

Will a corn snake eat a live rat?

yes it will eat a live rat but be carefull cous the rat will try to bite and even eat the corn snake if given the chance

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It depends on the individual snake but most wont

Do lizards eat corn?

Ya..................CORN SNAKES!!!!!!!!!! Haha but srsly they do ... They dont eat CORN! They eat small rodents whitch are ATTRACTED to corn fields, so the snake is attracted to them.

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An adult Corn Snake will eat a good sized mouse once a week.

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Can you put a frog with a corn snake?

I wouldn't try that if I were you. The snake would try to kill and eat the frog.

What does a corn snake eat?

For baby corn snakes you should feed them 'Pinkies' (two day old mice). For sub-adults you feed them 'fuzzies' (Juvernile Mice). For adults you feed corn snakes Adult Mice. For adult corn snakes they like to eat rats

Can a corn snake eat a frog?

Yes they can eat frogs (except posin dart frogs)