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Snakes cannot hear. However they can sense ground vibrations.

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Q: Why would it not do any good to yell at a snake to scare it away?
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How do you touch a girl when you have a cruch on her?

I would say her hands and arms are good places. Stay away from her neck and legs though, unless you're already good friends because this might scare her away.

Why wont your corn snake eat?

it might be that he's not feeling very well if i was you i would i would take him to the vet staright away good luck from mrs advice

How can you tell apoisonous snake from a harmless snake?

The shape of a poisonous snake's head will be TRIANGULAR. Stay AWAY from those. They are NOT good news. :) Best of wishes! Xx

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Either he is flaring to show off to the female, or he doesn't see the female as a good mate and is trying to chase her away.

What kind of snake is good for children?

Get other opinions to be sure, but I think a ringneck snake would be a good pet snake for children. They are not aggressive and feed on insects.

Is venom a good name for a snake?

If the snake is poisonous then it is probably a good name. I would recommend the name Jeff lol but that's not very good.

Who used Gargoyles?

A lot of the time it was church officials but almost every type of person used gargoyles. They believed that the gargoyles would scare away evil spirits and by doing so it would bring them and the land good fortune. Other wise it was used as decoration.

What is a good snake for a 12 year old?

A corn or rat snake would be good. I'd go with corn snake. They're esey to take care of, as far as snakes go, and you can likely find one in your local pet store.

Can Snakes be good pets and is it legal to have a snake as a pet?

Snakes can make good pets for some people who have the time, resources, and knowledge to care for them properly. It is generally legal to have a pet snake, but you should check your local laws and regulations to ensure compliance with any restrictions on specific species or sizes of snakes that can be kept as pets.

Is the Milk good for snake?

no milk is not good for snakes

I found a brown snake with a tinge of green on the end Can you tell me what snake this is?

Without a picture or additional context, it's hard to give a precise identification. However, your description could match the appearance of a rough earth snake, which is small and brown with a greenish tail tip. It's always a good idea to consult a local expert or wildlife authority for a more accurate identification.