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Because it has no eyelids - and therefore cannot blink !

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Q: Why would a snake always beat you in a staring contest?
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Why is it a bad idea to challenge the Gorgons to a staring contest?

It would be a bad idea to challenge the Gorgons to a staring contest, because they were terrifying female monsters from Greek mythology who, if you looked into their eyes, could turn you to stone.

Can Chuck Norris beat a cat in a staring contest?

Most people can, if they can be bothered taking the time. The cat would grow quite bored soon, so siply maintaining concentration would ensure victory. If he tried, he probably would.

How would you put staping in a sentence?

Do you mean "stapling" or "staring"? Stapling: "She was stapling the posters to the wall when he came in." or: "When the stapling was done, they put up streamers." Staring: "They were staring at him." or: "I wish you would stop staring at me."

Do poisonous snakes always leave poison when they strike?

it depends on wat type of snake it is if it is not a poisonous snake then it would leave poison wen it strike

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A drain cleaning snake can be found at your local hardware store. Or even some local retailers like Walmart carry snake cleaners also. You would have to check out your local places to see what they carry.

Why would a shy girl look down when a guy is staring at her?

The guy is probably making her uncomfortable, staring at her like that. Staring is rude.

I found a brown snake with a tinge of green on the end Can you tell me what snake this is?

Without a picture or additional context, it's hard to give a precise identification. However, your description could match the appearance of a rough earth snake, which is small and brown with a greenish tail tip. It's always a good idea to consult a local expert or wildlife authority for a more accurate identification.

What song would be great for a contest?

The song that would be the best for a contest is by Eric Church:Creepen!

What does it mean when a guy is always staring at you but doesn't say anything and his girlfriend is always giving you dirty looks from afar but always smiling when shes near you?

I would think that he likes you, she knows he likes you, hates you for it, but doesn't want you to know she knows.

Would a rooster eat a snake or would a snake eat a rooster?

the snake would bite the rooster and leave. A rooster eating a snake is rare but possible

Would you kill a bear or a snake?

I would kill a snake.

Staring into space can it be a form of epilepsy?

Some seizures would involve people just staring for a moment, as if they are day dreaming. But staring would not be enough evidence to say that they have epilepsy, as there could be something else that is the problem, if there is a problem at all.