Do you have a heat lamp for the turtle? See the Related Question below.
My baby turtle has the same problem but I'll tell you what I know... Red eared sliders can only eat in water, and they wont eat if its too cold or if your watching him/her. also try giving him/her different foods and try to see if he/she will eat that. also if it is a new turtle then wait a few day until it is used to its surrondings. and baby red eared sliders like meat alot more then anything else so try and give cooked salmon or cooked meat. I hope that your turtle eats!
Another Answer:
Red Eared Slider turtles eat MEAT when babies, make sure they are at home and comfy and not spazzing out, then slip a small piece of chicken in their tank. It will sink, but they should find it. Also, when Red Eared Sliders are babies, the water cannot go above their heads if they are on their back legs. Their heads need to poke out.
Yes. Red eared sliders can eat lettuce but not a whole cabbage, I know this because I fead my Red eared slider lettuc.
red eared slider turtle do not eat sharks. despite there ability to practically devour anything the sharks are to big to attempt to attack it. hence turtles do not try to attack them and red eared slider turtles don't eat them. :)
Young baby turtles can eat many different ,but something easy is wiggle tails or baby mosquitos
Its really a gamble to put any fish with a red eared slider , it depends how big the sucker fish is if it is small the turtle with probably eat it , you are supposed to let them grow up together i have a sucker fish with my red eared slider but they are baby's so they have not bothered it.
About 6 months
A red eared slider will eat strawberries. My red eared slider eat strawberries once a week and maybe half of one. Don't give it to them every day because they are very low in protein but your turtle will love them! i know that the pellets have the most protein and vitamins so you should check that out!
No, however, red-eared slider turtles tend to be very open to any new type of food expect onions
I have a red eared slider too. If you turtle is a baby dont worry until the third week or so. You can also try raw meat, baby turtles are usally carnivorous. If your turtle doesnt eat by the third week you should see a doctor. A list of foods for turtles is cooked chiken for a snack or treat, bloodworms, earthworms,veggies, fruits, pinkie mice, and you can also try frozen turtle pellets called NATURAL AQUATIC TURTLE FOOD. I hope it all works with your little slider GOOD LUCK
Your turtle can eat feeder fish.
mostly all bugs