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They do it to show aggression or the readiness to mate

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Q: Why is your bearded dragon beard fully black?
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What is the age of a bearded dragon when it's fully grown?

Bearded Dragons usually attain full size in 3-4 years. Obviously this depends on how much food they eat, and how often - as this will vary with each reptile.

Who would win in a fight vield camilon or bearded dragon?

Bearded Dragon, They are a lot tougher and bigger, There is practically no contest, A Bearded Dragon is considered very tough for its size (18 inch) and will kill or scare most things the same size as it away, They are stocky and have pretty powerful jaws, They are also a lot more territorial than a Chameleon. Male Bearded Dragon vs Male Veiled Chameleon both fully grown I would say the Bearded Dragon will be the one celebrating for sure, Chemeleon are normally higher but Height does not make up for power.

Did Abraham Lincoln have a beard during his first term?

Yes. He started growing his beard sometime in fall of 1860 and was fully bearded when he first took office in March of 1861. He was prompted to grow a beard by a letter he got from a little girl. ( see the related link.)

How much gallon tank do you need for your bearded dragon to become fully grown?

Your bearded dragon will become fully grown regardless of the size of the enclosure, provided you properly meet its needs for food, UVB, heat, and hides, but a MINIMUM of a 60 gallon sized tank would be recommended for the adult lizard to be free of stress and have enough room to be comfortable. Bigger is, of course, better.

What is the size of a full grown bearded dragon?

A fully-grown Bearded Dragon CAN be as much as 14 inches nose-to-tail. It's rare for them to get to that size though - the 'norm' is around ten inches.

How do you deafeat the Red dragon in Dragon Fable?

I have already defeated the Red Dragon, you must fully train your dragon. My dragon is fully trained.

Are fully grown bearded dragons dangerous?

No, they are harmless

How big will the bearded dragon get?

The average adult bearded dragon gets 18 inches long (1 1/2 feet) . There are different species of bearded dragon that can get up to 24 inches (2 feet). I have 5 adult dragons. The smallest is about 14 inches, the largest is about 22 inches. Ones that have some "German Giant" genes tend to get larger but you really can't tell until they are full grown. 18 inches is a good estimate but it could be 4 - 6 inches difference in either direction.

Are there Pictures of fully grown adult bearded dragons?

Go to google and search bearded dragons, all of the pictures will be adults.

How long does it take for your baby dragon to fully grow in Dragon Fable without a dragon amulet?

You need to have an amulet for a baby dragon to fully grow sorry.

In dragon boy How many growth stages is there until until blaze is fully grown?

In "Dragon Boy," there are three growth stages until Blaze is fully grown. These stages are hatchling, wyrmling, and young dragon.

Where to get black dragon egg on dragon village?

You can get it either by getting Dark Elements, get it by getting a Random Dragon Egg, or you could get it when you "discover" 33 fully grown dragons in your dragon book. If you read the description with the dark shadow of the dragon, it says, "A very rare dragon which cannot be obtained during adventure" Or something like that