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it is as it is a name means it name stupid people

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Q: Why is a nile crocodile called a nile crocodile when it does not live in the nile?
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Related questions

What is the rarest crocodile in the world called?

The Nile crocodile sometimes called the black crocodiles they live near the nile in brazil

In what continent does the nile crocodile live in?

The Nile Crocodile lives in the African Continent.

What types of organisms live in the Nile river?

the Nile crocodile for one

What endangered species live on the Nile?


Where do crocidils live?

The Crocodile is spread throughout much of the world, ranging from the southern states of America (the American Crocodile), to the River Nile (Nile Crocodile) and Australia (Saltwater Crocodile).

What makes a nile crocodile a reptile?

A Nile crocodile is classed as a reptile because they are cold-blooded, they lay hard-shelled eggs, they have scales and they have sex but don't give birth to live young.

Do nile crocodile live in small groups or large?


When was Nile crocodile created?

Nile crocodile was created in 1768.

What habitat do nile crocodiles live in?

Yes. Also known as the common crocodile. It is found through out Africa.

Who is Nile Crocodile?

The nile crocodile is the large crocodile of the African rivers, very dangerous to humans.

Do crocodiles live on the river Nile?

Yes the Nile or African soft-shell turtle has been recorded in the Nile but is an increadibly rare animal and is believed to have been totally wiped out from Egypt.

Where do crocidialls live?

The Crocodile is spread throughout much of the world, ranging from the southern states of America (the American Crocodile) , to the River Nile (Nile Crocodile) and Australia (Saltwater Crocodile). Crocodilians are almost exclusively found in warm waters and in tropical climates