

Why is a bearded dragon mean?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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14y ago

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When a bearded dragon gets scared, a pouch near the throat inflates and darkens, so as to intimidate the foe. They also look like small dragons.

Also the beardie is showing off. My beardie looks at himself while he is sunbathing and just blows out his beard to show how strong or good he looks. He loves me to talk to him when he does it. He is so funny !

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14y ago

When bearded dragons are being mean, it's usually just a phase. keep trying to hold and pet it and eventually he or she will come around. if it trys to bite you, try this: * pick up the bearded dragon with your hand in an oven mitt. that way, if it trys to bite you, you wont get hurt, and neither will your pet. * fill your bathtub up with water up to the bearded dragon's shoulder, then put it in the water. after it gets tired, pick it up and hold and pet it for a while. it will be so tired, it wont bite or hiss at you. Hope this helps!

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13y ago

Bearded dragons are not evil. In fact, the only species capable of being 'evil' are humans. However, this does not mean that bearded dragons (And all other creatures, really) cannot be quite nasty. Most pet bearded dragons are kind, being raised by humans, but I cannot say for the ones that live in the wild, though I hear they usually have a bad temperament.

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13y ago

Bearded dragons have a beard for a defensive threat display. When threatened they puff up their beard, so that it comes out to make it look bigger. It also opens its mouth and hisses. The threat is rarely seen in captivity.

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