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mine was doing that for the past couple days. one of her eggs and follicles broke inside. she died yesterday. take her/him to the vets right away, befor it is too late.....

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14y ago

If you already give it crickets try giving him more heat. You should probably take him to a vet quickly though

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Q: Why has your bearded dragon gone limp and not moving only opening and shutting his mouth can anyone help?
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Is the bearded dragon native to California?

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When was Eastern bearded dragon created?

Eastern bearded dragon was created in 1829.

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Central Bearded Dragon was created in 1926.

Is a juvenile bearded dragon a normal bearded dragon?

yeah its a normal bearded dragon it just means its like a teenager not a baby not a adult x

Where can you get a bearded dragons?

Most pets stores that sell lizards will carry them.But they are Great pets!

Bearded dragon lizard?

Yes a bearded dragon is a lizard.

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The full breakdown of the groups for a Bearded Dragon are :-Domain:EukaryotaKingdom:AnimaliaPhylum:ChordataClass:ReptiliaOrder:SquamataSuborder:LacertiliaFamily:AgamidaeSubfamily:AgaminaeGenus:Pogona

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