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So they can return to the water

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Q: Why do turtles leave there eggs?
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Do sea turtles stay with there babys when there born?

No. Sea turtles lay eggs and then leave. The eggs hatch about a month later, never meeting their parents.

What facts about green sea turtles?

green turtles are turtles that are green and swim in the ocean and lay eggs and leave them to survive by themselves

What animals lay their eggs then leave?

fish and frogs also humans and turtles

Where do female turtles leave there eggs?

they make a hole in the sand next to the beach and lay their eggs in the hole.they usually do this during the night.

Where do turtles have baby's?

Turtles have their eggs in the sand, they dig a very deep hole (it is more long the wide) and lay their eggs in it (they dig the hole deep so it will keep the eggs warm) they then cover up the hole again and leave.

Why do female turtles never return to check on the eggs they just laid?

Female turtles rely on instinct to lay their eggs in a suitable location and then move on to ensure their own survival. They do not have a nurturing instinct to care for their offspring once the eggs are laid. It is more beneficial for them to focus on their own survival rather than expending energy on caring for the eggs.

Where do wild turtles like to lay there eggs?

On beaches, they lay them and then hide them, then leave until they hatch.

Turtles lay what type of eggs?

Turtles lay chicken eggs (just kidding just kidding) turtles lay turtle eggs......

What kind of animal that not take care of their eggs and young?

Many animals lay their eggs and leave them - eg the salmon, sea turtles, butterflies. Other animals eg the cuckoos lay their eggs and leave them to other animals to rear.

How do leather backs raise their babies?

They don't, leatherback sea turtles lay eggs, bury them, then leave for the ocean. When the eggs hatch, the mother is not around.

Can boy turtles lay eggs?

No, male turtles can lay eggs.

Do turtles usually stay on land?

Because turtles must stay in or near water to keep from drying out, they usually only go onto land when they are ready to lay eggs. They then leave the eggs buried in the sand and return to the water.