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Kangaroos are most commonly seen as a pest to the farming community, they destroy fences and crops. Farmers shoot them to to stop repetitive patterns.

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We harm them by stepping on them rolling over them with cars and destoryin there habitats whever they may be and contaminating them with toxic chemicals that eventually kill them

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Q: Why do people kill geckos?
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Will leopard geckos kill snakes?

No. A large enough snake would likely eat the geckos.

How much do panther geckos cost?

At pets mart you can get panther geckos for 19.99 (plus tax) each.But if your just calling people panther geckos-find a better nick-name for people; ) JK.Enjoy your geckos people!

Can geckos eat peanut butter?

It will kill them. High fat content

How do geckos vocalize?

Black people.

How do you kill house geckos by setting electrified wire on their path?

You don't. That is cruelty to animals.

Can you keep leopard geckos with an iguana?

NOOOOO!!!!! That is a big no no the iguarna will kill or eat the gecko!!

Can geckos fallen in drinking water kill you?

no gecko are very scared of height and will not jump

Are geckos legal pets in Singapore?

It is illegal but some people in sg have leopard geckos though but for 100+$

Will ant spray harm geckos?

As a rule, yes the spray is likely to harm or even kill geckos if it gets onto them or even if they walk over it or eat insects that get the spray onto themselves. It is better to use a suitable kind of ant bait; it takes longer to work, but it works better and lasts longer. And it does not kill geckos and the like.

Can a tokay kill a bearded dragon?

No, Tokay Geckos may be more violent but Bearded Dragons are bigger.

Will ant kill harm geckos?

I have had a huge ant infestation this summer in Australia and whereas I used to have many geckos in every room now I am lucky to find one in each room. I have been wondering where all my geckos have gone because for the first time in many years I am being bitten by mosquitos. Usually there are geckos on every window at night but lately there are none. Hope this helps.

Can you house a crested gecko with a helmeted gecko?

no, crested geckos are solitary animal they will kill and might eat the other animal