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Because being warm blooded, they need food to keep themselves warm.

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to feed their young

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Q: Why do mammals eat more food than reptiles?
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Are reptiles more closely related to mammals or to fishes?

Reptiles are more closely related to mammals than to fishes. Reptiles and mammals are both part of the group called amniotes, characterized by their ability to lay eggs on land. Fish, on the other hand, are a separate group with distinct evolutionary lineages from reptiles and mammals.

Are dinosaurs the oldest mammals?

No. Dinosaurs were not mammals. They were more closely related to birds and modern reptiles than they were to mammals.

Did mammals evolve from dinosaurs?

No. Mammals evolved from synapsid reptiles, a group not closely related to dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are more closely related to modern reptiles and birds than they are to mammals.

Do reptiles have flat grinding teeth?

No, reptiles typically have sharp, pointed teeth for gripping and tearing food, rather than flat grinding teeth like mammals. Some herbivorous reptiles may have more flattened teeth for crushing plant material, but they are not true grinding teeth like mammals.

Are mammals more popular than non mammals?

No, I don't know exact numbers but mammals are outnumbered greatly by fish, reptiles & insects

Why must mammals take in and digest a greater amount of food than reptiles or amphibians do?

Because - Mammals are warmblooded and more active - they turn much of the food they eat into heat for their muscles, so they are able to move quickly. Reptiles and amphibians are cold-blooded, and are relatively inactive - they get what little heat they need from their surroundings.

How do paleontologists distinguish between fossils of mammals and reptiles?

There are a variety of features but one is the number of fenestrae in the skull. Mammals also have more differentiated teeth than reptiles. Furthermore, you can look at the gait. Mammals have a parasagittal stance, while most reptiles have a sprawled stance.

Why aren't dinosaurs mammals?

Dinosaurs and mammals evolved from two separate branches of reptiles. Mammals evolved from synapisid reptiles (all of which are not extinct) while dinosaurs along with the modern branches of reptiles evolved from sauropsids. So dinosaurs are more closely related to modern reptiles than they are to mammals. In more recent years scientist tend to agree that birds are in fact a surviving branch of dinosaurs.

Which has more teeth mammal or reptile?

Typically, mammals have more teeth than reptiles. Mammals generally have specialized teeth for different functions such as cutting, tearing, and grinding food. Reptiles, on the other hand, may have fewer teeth or even be toothless, depending on the species.

Why do mammals need more oxygen than reptiles?

Mammals maintain a higher body temperature. In order to do so, they require more energy and that requires more oxygen.

Why do mammals lose more heat energy than reptiles?

Mammals have higher metabolic rates than reptiles, which means they generate more heat internally. This excess heat needs to be released to maintain a stable internal temperature, so mammals lose more heat energy through mechanisms like sweating, panting, and shivering. Reptiles have lower metabolic rates and can rely on external sources of heat, like the sun, to regulate their body temperature.

What is bigger mammal or reptile?

There are individual mammals that are bigger than individual reptiles, and there are individual reptiles that are bigger that individual mammals. However, the average size of all extant mammals is larger than the average size of all extant reptiles. Most reptiles are lizards and snakes, which are usually small. Only a few species of tortises, alligators, crocodiles, caimans, and very large snakes are big. Most mammals are bats, rodents, and shrews, which are usually small, but there are still hundreds of mammals that are big, including the biggest animal on the planet: the blue whale. There are more large mammals than there are large reptiles.