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it simbalised the god

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Q: Why did the southwest Indians do the snake dance?
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Related questions

How do the desert southwest Indians do their celebrations and ceremonies?

the snake dance and the kachina dolls too

What did the southwest Indians hunt with?

the southwest Indian's hunted deer, rabbit's, Antilope and snake eggs

What were all the desert southwest ceremonies?

kacina dolls,snake dance,

What are the ... special ceremonies of eastern woodland Indians?

the snake dance

What are examples of Religious and Ceremonial Dances?

sinurog, dugso, obando & subli. Among American Indians- Eagle dance, Ring Dance, Snake Dance.

Where do southwest Indians live in?

Southwest Indians live in southwest desert cultural region.

What did the southwest and west Indians live in?

The southwest indians lived in wigwams

How did the Southwest Indians get around?

The Southwest indians got around by a conue

How did southwest Indians get around?

The Southwest indians got around by a conue

The American Indians of the southwest would represent a?

The Indians of the Southwest would represent a

Who wrote the music for Snake Dance?

Who wrote the song The Snake Dance

Where did the southwest coast Indians live?

in southwest usa