Turtles are vertebrates (phylum Chordata, the chordates) as they have an internal skeleton including a spinal (vertebral) column or backbone. By contrast, phylum Arthropoda (the arthropods) are characterized by exoskeletons made from chitin, segmented bodies, and jointed appendages; along with other differences, they do not have backbones like turtles.
awesome stuff
movement of limbsgives it it's formmovement of appendagesit protects the arthopodit camouflages the artropod
iortoise is a turtle who lives on the land
No, a turtle is a reptile.
YourMother Turtle
turtle turtle turtle
# green turtle # box turtle # wood turtle # stinkpot turtle
aligator snapping turtle
a turtle
The biggest turtle is the Leatherback Turtle.
a musk turtle or a eastern pained turtle
Some of the different baby turtle species found in the wild include the loggerhead turtle, green sea turtle, hawksbill turtle, leatherback turtle, and Kemp's ridley turtle.