Where Medusa was never a mortal woman, her parents are Phorkys, god of the hidden dangers of the sea and Ceto the goddess of the dangers of the sea personified as sea-monsters as well as sharks and whales; Pontus and Gaia are the parents of Phorkys and Ceto, and so grandparents of Medusa.
Another parent of Medusa is credited as Gorgon, whom Zeus killed at the start of the Titan war and crafted the Aigis (or Aegis) cape from his/her skin. This creature's gender is undetermined; and may have been the same as Aix, the daughter of Helios; Gorgon is most often called the offspring of Echidna, mother of monsters, and Typhoeus her mate.
Giving the grandparents of Medusa as:
Pontus and Gaia
Echidna and Typhoeus
Helios and Krete
From the winged horse, Peruses none descended; but from Chrysaor with Callirhoe was Geryon born, who was killed by Hercules - his daughter was Erytheia who is sometimes called a Hesperide: a Erytheia bore Eurytion with Ares and this Eurytion was also killed by Hercules beside Geryon and his two headed hound Orthrus.
it is the snake
Las jaleas son carnívoras, se alimentan de plancton, crustáceos, huevos de peces, peces pequeños y otras medusas. Las medusas son carnívoras.
mean and coldblooded
Medusa did not have a job.
Pegasus and Chrysaor by Poseidon.
my butt
Ceto, or Gorgon.