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Apophis was a snake god from Egyptian Mythology. Apophis is the son of the primordial deities Nun and Neith. He was born at the beginning of time and became enemy to the sun god Ra. Ra traveled the Duat, or underworld, at night and fought Apophis, who's goal in life was to destroy the world. When Apophis began learning magic and started killing magicians and Pharaohs, every night, Ra led a army of gods (See bottom) on the sun boat Sektet to fight Apophis and his army of demons and monsters. Ra chose his daughters Sekhmet and Hathor to fight Apophis directly. Despite their power and experience, all gods and magicians failed to destroy Apophis. When Ra's young daughter, the cat Bast, offered to fight Apophis, Ra locked them both in a cell of scarab beetles where the two have fought for 5000 years. Thoth, the ibis headed god of wisdom prophesied that if Bast won, the world would be rid of chaos. If Apophis won, a war named after him called Apocalypse would begin.

Ra's army of gods consisted of an array of gods:

-Sobek: The crocodile headed god who could control water and shows supreme strength.

-Isis: The magic goddess, daughter of the sky, Nut, and the earth, Geb.

-Horus: Falcon headed King Of The Gods, extremely powerful and Apophis' enemy.

-Set: The god of evil, though he is one of the few gods who can challenge Apophis and come out unharmed.

-Wadjet: The cobra goddess.

-Sekhmet: A lion goddess and expert archer.

-Hathor: A powerful cow goddess.

-Onuris: The huntsman of the gods.

-Nekhbet: The vulture goddess.

-Babi: Baboon god who symbolizes death.

-Mut: Ra's wife.

-Renenutet: Snake headed goddess.

-Thoth: Ibis headed god who can fend off Apophis' greatest spells.

-Taweret: Hippo goddess who shows icredible strength.

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