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the average alligator has a larger snout than a crocodile

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Q: Who has the bigger nose crocodile or alligator?
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Whose has the bigger snout alligator or crocodile?


Which is bigger a crocidile or an alligator?

Only after mating season. An alligator is a female and a crocodile is a male.

Crocodile is to alligator as toad is to?

The crocodile is to an alligator as the toad is to a frog.

How is a crocodile snout different from a alligator snout?

A crocodile's head is more narrow and the snout comes to more of a point as compared to an alligator. An alligator's snout is blunt - more of a U-shape. I try to remember the difference by thinking that if the nose is pointed like a capital "A", then it is not an Alligator. It's a bit tough to remember since it is a negative. Another memory jog - though negative - would be if the snout is rounded (a capital "C" is rounded) it is not a Crocodile.

Who would win the fight crocodile or alligator not a nile alligator?


Who would win between an alligator and crocidile?

The Crocodile would most likely win due to the fact that crocodiles are generally more aggressive and on average they are larger then alligators so they have a size advantage

Who would win a megladon or a sarcasuchus imperator?

I think the megladon it was bigger,faster and had a stronger bite force. p.s the sarchasuchus is a crocodile not a alligator a dienosuchus is a alligator.

Is there a Webkinz with the name Alligator or is it Crocodile or is there both?

There is a Webkinz plush toy named "Alley Cat" which resembles an Alligator but none specifically named "Alligator" or "Crocodile".

Which animal is the largest living relative to the dinosaur?

The crocodile/alligator

Is an alligator a crocodile?

No it is NOT an alligator. They are very different.

Who will win a alligator or a crocodile?

most likely a crocodile

What is scary crocodile or alligator?

They are both as equally scary but an alligator is bigger. They are both HUGE and swim incrediably fast in water. Once they have something in there mouth they never let go.