

Who decapitated Medusa?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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Medusa was decapitated by the hero Perseus.

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Q: Who decapitated Medusa?
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No, they did not. The hero Perseus decapitated Medusa.

How was Perseus heroic?

He decapitated the monster Medusa.

When and how did Medusa die?

Like most of Greek mythology, the dates are not stated. Medusa was decapitated by the hero Perseus.

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Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa were the three Gorgon sisters in Greek mythology. Medusa was famously decapitated by the hero Perseus.

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Pegasus' brother is CHRYSAUR. Both were "born" when Perseus decapitated Medusa. They sprang from her bleeding neck

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No, she was a gorgon. She was decapitated by the hero Perseus.

Is Medusa still alive?

Even if she existed in the first place, I'm going to say no because Perseus decapitated her in Greek mythology...

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no because the other two must've been slayed because they couldn't turn anybody to stone like Medusa but Medusa must be dead because Perseus decapitated her in Greek mythology

What is information about Medusa?

Medusa is a figure in Greek mythology known for her serpent-like hair and ability to turn people into stone if they make eye contact with her. She was one of the three Gorgon sisters and is often depicted as a monstrous creature. Medusa met her end when the hero Perseus used a reflective shield to avoid looking at her directly and then decapitated her.

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Why did they kill Medusa?

Perseus, son of Zeus, killed Medusa because she turned people to stone -- essentially, because she was a murderer.

How did Perseus feel after cutting off Medusa's head?

Safe because Perseus killed Medusa for a good reason. 1. Medusa is evil and Perseus is a hero. 2. Medusa killed a lot of men and women just by turning them into stones. 3. Medusa will be punished for being evil and Perseus will be rewarded for being a hero. Perseus is the hero who decapitated Medusa's head off her body by using his sword. Perseus is very smart and knows how to kill Medusa because he uses his shield as a reflection so that he won't look at her in the eyes just so he can see her using his shield as a mirror just by looking at it. He tricked Medusa and removed her head from her body!