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The anaconda and python are both strong animals that could swallow a horse. It depends on how long the anaconda is or the python's length. Usually anacondas are more vigorous due to their length and size.

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Physically, none.
Anacondas grow to be the largest of all snakes.

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Q: Which snake is more powerful the Anaconda or Python?
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Which snake is faster the anaconda or python?

The python's long thin build makes them more faster and agile.

What is the strongest snake?

The worlds strongest snake within power is the Reticulated Python which is also the strongest. The most Venomous snake is the Inland Taipan. If the Reticulated Python and the Inland Taipan had a fight, there is a 70% chance that the Taipan would win because it is quicker at moving and striking at it's prey. Even though the Python's strike is also fast. The world's strongest snake is the green anaconda. Reaching lengths up to 25 feet and more, it is a much heavier and more powerful snake than the largest pythons.

What is a girth of a snake?

The girth of a snake can be anything from a few inches to three feet or more (in the case of a large python on anaconda) !

Whats the worlds longest snake?

Depends on your definition of "largest." The heaviest snake is the Green Anaconda or Eurectes Murinus of South America. The longest snake is the Reticulated Python or Python Reticulatus of Indo-China/Indonesia.

Longest snake in the world?

The longest snake in the world is the reticulated python, which can grow up to over 25 feet in length. These snakes are native to Southeast Asia and are known for their impressive size and strength.

What are the largest snakes?

Reticulated Python. Largest recorded is in Indonesia at 49 feet long 900 pounds...Cenobio also has a large snakeWhile it is true that the reticulated python is the longest snake in the world, the Green anaconda is the largest. They are pound for pound the heaviest and largest snakes in the world. They grow to 30+ feet but their incredible girth makes them the bigger and stronger than the reticulated python.

What is a six letter name for snake?

Cobra. Krait. Adder. Viper. I question the specificity of " adder " and "viper " here as snake names. Seems more as classes of snakes to me, though some snakes have those terms in their names.

Are boa constrictor the biggets snake than the other?

The longest species of snake is the Reticulated Python - reaching lengths of 10 metres (33 feet) or more. The heaviest is the Anaconda - weighing in at almost 100 kilos (220lb).

Is a reticulated python and burmese python the same?

No a reticulated python and a Burmese python are different snakes. Both are found close together in nature (S.E. Asia), though. The Burmese doesn't quite reach the length of a reticulated python; however a Burmese python is a much heavier snake like the Anaconda. The Burmese's weight and girth it typically bigger than a reticulated python; however the reticulated python is the longest documented snake in existence. Both are absolutely beautiful animals, though. The reticulated python tends to be more aggressive a snake than the Burmese, however. But with regular handling from a young age, both can become very "handle-able". By nature, however, the Burmese is generally a more docile animal, especially if handled from an early age.

Who is deadlier an anaconda or a royal python?

it will be a python because its can grow up to 21 feet long and its super venomous

What is the difference between contributions and quality contributions?

The difference - is in the detail. Suppose someone asked the question 'What is the biggest snake'... Someone could post the simple answer... 'A Reticulated python' or 'An Anaconda'. However - someone might have posted the answer 'It depends on what you mean by biggest - The longest species of snake is the Reticulated python, with some specimens reaching over 32 feet (10 metres). The heaviest species of snake is the Anaconda - though it doesn't grow as long' In simple terms - quality contributions usually contain more detail.

What is the largest snake in world?

Answer 1Precise specifics, figures and claims have long been debated, with some saying, "Lo ... here!" and others, "Lo ... there!" but as a general 'ball park':Both the Anaconda and the Reticulated python can grow over 25 feet in length.However, more specifically, if with biggest you mean, 'the longest', it is the Reticulated Python which can grow 30 ft long, or even more. If by "biggest" you mean the heaviest/largest, it is the green anaconda which can weigh 250 kilos.Answer 2The Green Anaconda is the heaviest snake in the world, with the largest reputable find measuring 25 feet long and weighing 500 pounds. Reticulated Pythons can be longer than anacondas but do not have nearly the mass. The largest reputable Reticulated Python was over 33 feet long, but only weighed about 335 pounds.The Reticulated Python is the longest, the Green Anaconda is the heaviest.