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Q: Which of the two types of snapping turtles is the largest?
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Related questions

How many Alligator Snapping Turtle are?

There are two alligator snapping turtles.

Is a snapping turtle a sea turtle?

No, there are many different types of turtles and tortoises all around the world. There are painted turtles, box turtles, alligator tortoises, Galapagos's tortoeses(largest turtles ever) and many many more.

Are there only two kinds of snapping turtles?

Well, if they bite I would call them snapping.

How long are alligator snapping turtles at birth?

When young alligator snapping turtles hatch, they are two to three inches long.

What kinds of snapping turtles are there?

Two. Chelydra serpentina and Macrochelys temminckii.

What are all of the different types of sea turtles?

There are more than 250 different turtle species out of which forty species of turtles are endangered. Here are the four of the most popular species : 1. Box Turtles (Genus Terrapene ornata ornata), 2. Sliders (Genus Trachemys), 3. Mud Turtles (Genus Kinosternon and Sternotherus) and 4.Painted Turtles (Genus Chrysemys). First two are the terrestrial turtles and the last two are Aquatic Turtles.

How many alligator snapping turtles are still living?

There are 24 species of crocodile.

How did a baby snapping turtle show up in your snapping turtle's tank that you clean every week?

Well, when two turtles of the opposite sex really love each other...

Can too alligator snapping turtles live in one tank together?

That depends upon the species of lizard. They need to have their tank set up properly as a vivarium not as an aquarium. I hope you know that.

Can a snapping turtle and a box turtle have babies?

I would have to say NOOOOO!! snappers are aggressive and bit a lot and get much BIGGER than box turtles.also box turtles are land turtles and snappers are almost fully aquatic

Does a snapping turtle reproduce?

ONE snapping turtle can't reproduce. It takes two, male and female. But yeah, snapping turtles as a specie do reproduce. All living things eventually die, so a specie that doesn't reproduce to replace old individuals with young individuals will disappear rather soon.

How fast does a snapping turtle grow?

The growth and development of a sea turtle is that they usaually cannot reproduce untilo aroud 1 years of age. also they are very very small when born then get much much larger until full grown.