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Only after mating season. An alligator is a female and a crocodile is a male.

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15y ago
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12y ago

a aliigator is fatter and is slower but a croc is fast and strong .

alligators are bigger

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Q: Which is bigger a crocidile or an alligator?
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Can you breed an alligator with a crocidile?

Yes yes yes yes and yes

What is an American crocidile?

Well it is like an alligator. except it has a short rounded snout.;) Rbert Pattinson

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a mooses natural habitat are the woods. well according to all the books I've read. well, see you later alligator. in a while crocidile. a mooses natural habitat are the woods. well according to all the books I've read. well, see you later alligator. in a while crocidile.

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Im sorry i don't remember which but the alligator/crocidle (i honeslty think its the crocidile) and the piranha and the manitee. Hope this helped!

Who would win between an alligator and crocidile?

The Crocodile would most likely win due to the fact that crocodiles are generally more aggressive and on average they are larger then alligators so they have a size advantage

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a crocidile a crocidile a crocidile

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Does alligator slither?

i don't know if it is alligators or crocidile i know it's one of them

What parts of an alligator are sold for a profit?

Alligator hide, hands, feet, and teeth can be preserved and sold for profit, as can the animal's meat. However, it is illegal to take any part of a wild alligator.