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Both are fantastic pets, however, the amount of work that come with them is much different. If you are new to reptiles as a hobby I highly suggest getting a Bearded Dragon. They are extremely docile, well handled and generally easy to take care of. They eat a simple diet of mainly crickets and veggies(greens), and their upkeep is minimal. Chameleons on the other hand require a lot of time and work to keep healthy and alive. They require a lot of humidity, which is hard to maintain as well as a much more varied diet, as well as a full spectrum of UV light. Most people who jump to Chameleons as their first reptile will unfortunately fail unless they have done a lot of research.

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15y ago
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12y ago

well a bearded dragon requires many things like crickets, log, a 40 gallon tank, water dish, Ubb lighting, and heat lighting. for the cockatails i will give you some questions.

How much money am I prepared to spend? While Cockatiels are not very expensive to purchase, they need sizable cages, and plenty of toys and other enrichment items. In addition, you will need to take your Cockatiel to the vet for annual exams.

How much time can I spend with my Cockatiel? Unless someone is at home most of the day, a single Cockatiel is likely to be lonely. Paired Cockatiels will need less attention, but you'll still have to give them daily attention and care.

Am I sensitive to noise and mess? Though Cockatiels are not extremely noisy, they will be vocal in the morning and evening, and can create big messes. If you're a neat freak or hate being woken early in the morning, a Cockatiel might not be right for you.

How long am I prepared to care for a pet? Because Cockatiels can live for upwards of twenty years, consider your dedication carefully before purchasing. If you are underage, consider who will care for your Cockatiel if you cannot keep it while at college.

While reading through this article, consider the care requirements of Cockatiels and whether you would be able to properly care for your Cockatiel for more than twenty years.

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12y ago

I would say beared dragon there are more nice and easy to take care of

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13y ago

bearded dragon of course

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Lvl 1
4y ago

Definitely Bearded Dragon. But you don't have enough time/ money/ energy/ knowledge then a hamster is a FANTASTIC option too!

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Lvl 1
4y ago

im not sure

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Lvl 1
4y ago

a cockatiel

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Q: Which is a better pet a chameleon or a bearded dragon?
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Normally you can go to your nearest pet store and get a bearded dragon!

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i don't really think you want a dragon as a pet

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Did it also have the correct heating for the bearded dragon, like a heat lamp and heating pad? If it didn't, then your bearded dragon probably froze to death. Where did you get the bearded dragon from? If it was from a pet store, that will explain it too. Pet stores don't take care of their animals well usually so they are usually sold sick and or very unhealthy

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If you want a smaller, less aggressive bearded dragon I would suggest the female but if you are looking for a more energetic, feisty bearded dragon I would go for the larger, stronger boy dragon.

What are the food sources for a bearded dragon?

grapes,crickets,mealwormsif they area pet

What is David Beckhams pet?

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Is it illegal to own a bearded dragon in Illinois?

No it is NOT illegal to won a bearded dragon in IL, I have one and know of several others that do and they are sold in pet stores all around IL.

What can you house with a bearded dragon?

I can't tell you everything that can be housed with a bearded dragon, but in the local pet store the owner does a boarding service, the other week I saw a tortoise and a bearded dragon in the same cage from the same owner, they live together in a vivarium and get on well.

Can bearded dragon eat tomato?

I suppose it is possible ask your local pet shop