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Very few animals are large enough. The sticking point is the breadth of a human's shoulders. Few creatures can distend their jaws enough to work past this obstacle. A large great white shark could do it, or possibly a sperm whale. A large killer whale might be able to.

Among terrestrial animals, there are none known that could swallow a large adult male human. There are several snakes (anaconda, Burmese python, Reticulated python, possibly ) that could swallow a small woman or child if the snake in question was a very large specimen.

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13y ago

an African Rock python can swallow a man whole. A Great White Shark can in fact swallow you whole. White sharks swallow unchewed creatures and objects half their size.

The PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL REVIEW (Oct. 1927) tells of two incidents, one in 1758 and the other in 1771, in which a man was swallowed by a whale and vomited up shortly thereafter with only minor injuries. The account of the 1891 incident of James Bartley in that same article has been discredited, but the earlier two still stand.

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14y ago

Cougars, Mountain Lions, and Pumas. Or, in other words, any Carnivore.

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Well, alligators, as a man in Florida recently found out.

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14y ago

A huge snake

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