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pet store i got mine from pet smart good price

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Pet shops sell them.

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Q: Where should in buy crickets for your leopard gecko?
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How often do you feed a leopard gecko?

It depends on how old the Leopard Gecko is... Say it was born as a baby maybe about 1 or 2 small crickets every day. When older start putting more in there... Like 3 or 4 so on and so fourth... And if you buy a whole bunch Of food (Crickets) It is only natural for them to die.. What I have found out in my experience, Crickets stay alive longer if u put a Hardly Damp Cotton Ball Where u keep your Crickets. And I HIGHLY recommend you don't keep The Crickets in the bag when you buy them at a Local Pet Store..

Can you buy a leopard gecko at a pet store?


Where can you buy leopard geckos in England?

Somewhere in Englend! But you should tell a person in Englend where to buy a gecko and maybe they would know!

Where to buy a heater for a leopard gecko?

Petstores. Online. Get an under tank heater.

Were is the best place to buy a baby leopard Gecko in great Yarmouth?

probably a pet shop

How do you get your parents to give you a pet leopard gecko?

explain how you would take care of the leopard gecko and that you would take good care of it and you would buy it with you money do NOT keep nagging them about then they will not be as likely to get you one rather gentley remind them every week or so i know this seems like a long time but it's worth it when you have your leopard gecko.

What does a black leopard gecko look like?

a leopard looks like a panther but has spots on it...well its kind of hard to explain, I would look it up on google

Can you use a leopard gecko kit for a panther gecko?

The leopard gecko kit being sold at most pet stores usually consist of: A 10 Gallon tank Sand for substrate 2-3 Deco's 1 Hide 1waterbowl 1 food dish You can use it for a panther gecko because panther geckos are very adaptable and can be kept in a desert or a tropical set-up, but I reccomend a mix. What I would do is buy the kit and buy some eco earth to mix in with the sand and there you go panther gecko set up!

Which is beter to buy a pet leopard gecko petco or petsmart?

You'd get a far healthier specimen - by contacting a private breeder in your area !

What is the besttype of gecko for beginars?

Leopard geckos or Crested geckos. Make sure BEFORE you buy the gecko you read as many articles you can about it. And remember only ONE male per tank! Good luck!

How much does a baby leopard gecko cost?

I purchased my leopard gecko for $20.00 with out setup $200 w/setup*if you are thinking of getting a leopard gecko make sure you research what it needs at a lot of corporate stores they don't know exactly what is needed

Should I buy a MacBook with Tiger installed for cheaper instead of a new one with Leopard will it be compatible with my leopard iMac?

Buy the Leopard one. It will save trouble.