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Coordinates are22h 30m 00s, +45° 00′ 00″ See related link for wikisky

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Q: Where is the constellation Lacerta the Lizard located in the sky?
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What is the constillation that includes the star lacerta named?

The constellation that includes the star Lacerta is called Lacerta. Lacerta is a small and faint constellation located in the northern sky, representing a lizard. It was created in the 17th century by the Polish astronomer Johannes Hevelius.

What is symbol and mythology of the constellation lacerta?

Lacerta is one of the 88 modern constellations. The name Lacerta means "the lizard" in Latin. It does not have a specific mythology associated with it, as it is a minor constellation with no significant cultural or historical symbolism. It is a faint constellation located in the northern sky.

What constellation is next to Aquila?

The constellation next to Aquila is Sagittarius. Sagittarius is located to the southeast of Aquila in the night sky.

What month is the constalation lacerta visible?

The constellation Lacerta is typically visible in the northern hemisphere during the months of September through December. It can be best seen in the evening sky during these months.

Where is pegasus located?

If you mean the constellation, it's in the northern sky. Bordering Andromeda; Lacerta; Cygnus; Vulpecula; Delphinus; Equuleus; Aquarius; and Pisces.

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What are facts about the Pegasus constellation?

The Pegasus constellation is named after the mythical flying horse from Greek mythology. It is a large and prominent constellation located in the northern sky. Pegasus is known for its distinctive quadrilateral shape formed by its brightest stars.

What constellation is Canopus in?

Canopus is located in the constellation of Carina in the southern sky. It is the second brightest star in the night sky, after Sirius.

Where is the Taurus constellation located in the sky?

The Taurus constellation is located in the northern hemisphere sky during the winter months and is in the NQ1 Quadrant with a 19 degree declination. It is close to Aries.

What is the closest constellation to the constellation Leo?

The constellation closest to Leo is Cancer. Cancer is located to the west of Leo in the night sky.

Where is pursues located in the sky?

Perseus is a constellation in the northern sky, named after the Greek-hero Perseus.

What constellations border cassiopeia?

The constellations that border Cassiopeia are Cepheus, Andromeda, Perseus, and Camelopardalis. These constellations are located close to Cassiopeia in the northern sky and are easily visible during different times of the year.