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The eastern green mamba can be found to the eastern side of southern Africa, it's found in forests from the Eastern Cape through Mozambique and Tazania to south-east Kenya, can also be found inland as far as Malawi and Zimbabwe. The western green mamba is native to West Africa, around Liberia and Cote d'lvoire.

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Q: Where is the Green mamba found in Africa?
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Where green mamba lives?

They hatch, eat variety of vertebrate animals until mature around the age of 3, mate, and then females lay eggs....and so on.

What is a green momba?

The green mamba is a highly venomous species of snake found in Africa. It is known for its bright green coloration and can be very dangerous if encountered. It is important to avoid contact with this snake and seek immediate medical attention if bitten.

In which countries is the Black Mamba snake found?

The black mamba snake is found throughout eastern and southern Africa. Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa all have populations of black mamba

Are black mamba only found in Africa?

There are a slim number of them in zoos, as well.

Are Black Mambas in Iowa?

The Black Mamba is a snake native to Africa, any Mamba found in Iowa would be a long way from home.

What does it mean to dream of a black mamba snake?

It is black. Correction. The Black Mamba is NOT black. It can be olive, brown, gray(or grey. However you spell it.), or green. What the "special thing" is, is that it's the most poisonous snake on the planet.

What is the difference between a tree snake and a green mamba?

A tree snake is a general term for any snake that lives primarily in trees, whereas a green mamba specifically refers to a venomous snake species with bright green scales found in Africa. Their main difference lies in their species classification and geographic distribution.

When was Western green mamba created?

Western green mamba was created in 1844.

How does a green mamba hibernate?

Neither the Eastern or the Western Green Mamba hibernate.

How fast does green mamba kill you?

The green mamba could kill in 20 minutes

Do black mamba live in Asia?

No, the Black Mamba lives in Africa.

Do black mamba snakes live in Israel?

No. Black Mambas are only found in Sub-Saharan Africa.