Sea turtles live in all oceans except the arctic ocean. They also live in many warm seas. There are even sea turtles which live in cold Canadian seas. The Vancouver Aquarium website states:
There are eight species of Sea Turtles that are divided into two Family groups.
Leatherback sea turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, are found in all oceans, from Labrador, Iceland and Alaska to Argentina and Australia.
Olive ridley, L. olivacea, is found in the Pacific.
websites with additional Sea-Turtle information.
They don't live in a country, they live in the sea. Hense the name "sea" turtle.
In the ocean, or 'under the sea'.
the world
turtle sea snake
the name lol
The flatback sea turtle is a sea turtle endemic to the continental shelf of Australia.
A sea turtle is neither. It is a reptile, just like the snakes and lizards on land are reptiles.
a sea turtle
in the ocean
Its body structure and other parts
It is to cold for sea turtles to live in the arctic ocean.
The three types of sea turtles that you will find in the gulf of Mexico are green sea turtle, logger head sea turtle, and leather back sea turtle.