Jaguars live in a variety of habitats from the extreme southwestern United States south into northern Argentina.
Jaguars live in savannas in the jungle.
jaguars live in the amazon rain forest
Africa jaguars live for about 20 years
No. Jaguars do not live in Australia, which is the only place where koalas live.
Jaguars live on the forest floor
The jaguars preferred habitats are usually swamps and wooded regions, but jaguars also live in scrublands and deserts.
No. Jaguars are not found in Africa where zebras live and there are no zebras in the Americas, where jaguars live.
Jaguars tend to live alone unless they have offspring.
No. Jaguars and numbats live on different continents.
No, jaguars do not live in China. They are native to the Americas, primarily found in South and Central America.