They live in Southern California, part of northern California, and Mexico. All these places are hot or humid.
Desert or scrubland areas, rocky areas, forested areas, etc. Their habitat and range tends to vary based on the area of the Americas the snake is native to.
Rattlesnakes of one species or another are found over much of the US, Mexico, and Central America. Some live in western deserts and mountains, others, like the eastern diamondback are snakes of the southeastern coastal plain. The timber rattlesnake (or canebrake rattler) is found over a large section of the eastern and midwestern US, found in mountainous regions and swamplands, coastal pine forests.
Rattlesnakes live in all the major deserts of the United States and Mexico. There are some species that are also found in the tropical regions of Central and South America.
Yes, Rancho Cucamonga is in the range of several species of rattlesnakes.
Yes, there are species of rattlesnakes that live in grasslands, deciduous forests, mountains and even in tropical rainforests
Depending on the actual species - 20-25 years.
There are 36 species.Here are some of them massassauga red diamondback timber pacific36
Pigmy, and timber rattlesnakes..In southern Mississippi, these two species are joined by the eastern diamondback in the southern areas of the state.
No one knows, as there are many species, and cover a wide range.
Depending on species, a rattlesnake can live for 20 years or more.
Some species of snake lay eggs, but not the rattlesnake, they give birth to live young.
Yes. Some species, such as rattlesnakes and garter snakes give birth to live young.
There are a number of desert rattlesnake species and each has a distinctive appearance. Pictured above is a sidewinder rattlesnake, a desert species. All rattlesnakes have a similar appearance.
Yes, all rattlesnakes are born live. Rattlesnakes are ovoviviparous. This means they give birth to live young after developing and retaining the eggs inside their bodies. Some species of snakes are truly viviparous, giving live birth without eggs developing inside the female. Boas are an example.