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Sloths are normally located in the rain forests of South and Central America.

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13y ago

they are found in South America and (or) the Amazon.

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11y ago

Central and South American rain forest.

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Q: Where are sloths normally located?
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Do snails sleep longer than sloths?

Snails normally sleep 12 hours a day. Sloths sleep around 18 hours a day. Sloths are nocturnal.

How do three toed sloths get together?

they normally do not unless mating.

Sloths food source?

Sloths are a specie of anteaters which live on the trees. While sloths normally eat insects, they can also survive on leaves of trees.

Where is a sloths habat?

Normally in South or Central America.

Are sloth kept in zoos?

yes! sloths are indeed in many zoos, for example; there is a sloth exhibit at the Jacksonville Florida zoo. there habitats are normally located inside rather then out though.

Do Male Sloths Eat Their Young?

No, male sloths do not eat their young. Sloths are known to be gentle and nurturing parents, especially towards their offspring. They work together to care for and protect their young in the wild.

Where can sloths be located in the rainforest?

sloths eat fruit leaves,bugs,young twigs,and mulberries are what they eat.

What do sloths kill?

Sloths normally do not kill anything, although occasionally they eat insects (which results of course in the insects' death). Their main diet is leaves though, and sloths are very very slow, so they don't kill anything else, except maybe some vegetation.

What type of sloths live in jungles?

Tree sloths, Three-Toed Sloths, and Green Sloths are the most prominent sloths in the Amazon Jungle. Other sloths also but mostly those sloths in jungles

What do ground sloths and modern sloths have in common?

there both sloths

Are sloths exstinct?

No, sloths are not extinct. There are two species of sloths: two-toed sloths and three-toed sloths, both of which are found in Central and South America. However, some species of sloths are considered vulnerable due to habitat loss and other threats.

How heavey are sloths?

how heavy are sloths