Snakes have babies as soon as they are large enough to eat them. They have to be faster than dingos in Australia. They will eat babies of any race.
Snakes reproduction maturity ranges from 9 months of age to 2 or 3 years of age before the begin to reproduce. The large range of maturity is due to the snake's species and environment.
Yes - the young are born live (as opposed to being hatched from eggs). Clutches average between 8 and 40 babies.
Coral snakes are not known to take care of their babies. They typically lay eggs and once the eggs hatch, the baby snakes are independent and must fend for themselves.
That depends. The term "black snake" can apply to any number of snakes that are black. Species of snake described by the term range from less than 2 feet long to as much as 10 feet long. Other snakes of black coloration may be even smaller, barely reaching a foot in length.
about 10.
For the same reason humans and other animals have babies - to perpetuate the species !
Yes they have babies all the time, sometimes with monkeys and snakes.
Black snakes belong to the cobra family
Black Eyed Snakes was created in 1999.
No. Snakes fend for themselves from their first moment of life.
do black mamba snakes use mimicry
No. All snakes are carnivores.