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not like the chameleon, but it might turn a bit black....

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Q: When a bearded dragons dies does it change color?
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Can a flower change in color?

Yes like when it dies or when it is growing.

If a bearded goat dies does the world end?

No,that is pure superstitious nonsense.

What color does frostbites change into?

Frostbite changes to white, then as the skin dies it changes to black.

Why is your hair gray?

the hair dies. like in autumn the leaves change color when they die too. its just natural. (you can stop it by dying it)

Does your eye color change when you die?

No. When you die any flesh,muscle,tissue,etc. dies. So you wouldn't even have eyes after death.

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who ever dies their hair that color or that is born with that color hair

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Where can you get dragon souls?

In the game Skyrim, you can obtain dragon souls by defeating dragons in battle. Dragons can be found randomly throughout the game world or at specific dragon lairs. After defeating a dragon, you can absorb its soul when it dies.

Briar rose dies how in the sisters grimm book 7?

Briar Rose dies when Sabrina and Daphne and Uncle Jake go out to save her. At her house they run into dragons. One of the dragons kills Briar Rose by Hitting her against a tree. I personally don't think she would die that easily because she is an Everafter, but that's how it is.

If a bearded goat dies will Pluto blow up?

No, if a bearded goat dies, Pluto will NOT blow up. Pluto will not blow up unless a massive chemical reaction goes on in Pluto's core, or if humans manage to find a way to stash billions of pounds of dynamite all over Pluto. Other than that, Pluto will not blow up under any other circumstances.

What color does Jamie Lynn Spears die her hair?

She dies her hair blonde, and dies the underneath black....

How and why do leaves change color in autumn?

Originally, all leaves have a species - specific color. When the leaves are 'alive' they are used for photosynthesis which activates chloroplasts in the leaves and gives them a green color. When the leave dies is autumn, it doesn't stand in for fotosynthesis, and the chloroplasts do not functionate any longer, so the original color of the leave is observed.