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It would die a horrible death involving vomiting and pooping blood.

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14y ago

Probably it would die

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Q: What would happen to a bearded dragon if it ate bark?
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Is Repti Bark a good substrate for bearded dragons?

Repti Bark is not recommended as a substrate for bearded dragons. It can cause impaction if ingested and does not hold humidity well. Sand or tile are better options for bearded dragon substrates.

You found a small lizard it is a tan colour with a bark pattern it has small spikes on the side of it?

it is a hypo red bearded dragon

What would happen if a birch tree had a square trunk with no bark?

It would be a log.

Can bearded dragons bask on bark?

yes, they can bask on bark. as can any other reptile.but done get bark from outside. downt get it off a tree or on the floor it can be toxic. only buy it frim pet shops

What are the benefits of using repti bark as a substrate for bearded dragons?

Repti bark is a natural substrate that can help maintain humidity levels and provide a comfortable surface for bearded dragons to walk on. It also helps with maintaining proper hygiene by absorbing waste and reducing odors in the enclosure. Additionally, it can aid in the natural behaviors of digging and burrowing for bearded dragons.

What would happen if the bark is cut through to the wood all the way around a tree?

The tree would die.

What would happen if a ring of a bark and camium layer were removed from arounf the trunk of the tree?

The tree will die.

Why is your dog barking more?

There aremany reasons puppies bark. Here are some: Happiness Excited Attention Hungry Thirsty Playful Have to Potty Many just bark because they are learning their voice.

What will happen if a dog bark at a rabbit?

then the rabbit will run away

Can a dog bark hurt the hearing of the same dog?

I highly doubt it. It would take a ton of loud barking for that to happen. Dogs are made for barking.

Why is bark on trees called bark?

Trees have bark for protection. If the bark were to be torn off then, the tree would die faster and be prone to termites.

What is bark printing?

Bark printing is drawn with charcoal, and painted or scratched onto smoke-blackened bark to make a print, the aboriginies would use bark printing as a symbolic reference to their tribe.