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Nothing happen to human life if turtles become extinct. Turtles are not part of the human food chain. Turtles will eat bugs, fish and other small animals.

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Q: What will happen to the eco- system when Painted Turtles go extinct?
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It would cause an imbalance in our ecological system.

What is the binomial nomenclature of a sea turtle?

Assigning scientific names to living organisms is callled Nomenclature. Carolus Linnaeus (1753) introduced such a system of assigning scientificnames to organisms; this system is called binomial nomenclature.

Do painted turtles like to play?

Yes, one can have a painted turtle as a pet. The real question might be, should you have a painted turtle as a pet? Painted turtles are beautiful and engaging creatures. In some parts of the country, they are endangered. In other places, their populations are at risk and declining. It is my opinion, as a painted turtle owner and a veterinarian, that painted turtles are best left in the wild. That said, if you have your heart set on a pet painted turtle, there are a few things to keep in mind. All pet turtles require extremely clean water, although they are naturally dirty creatures. They must have UVA and UVB lamps. The bulbs are somewhat expensive and must be changed annually. Turtles need a source of steady heat. Although they can hibernate outside, they cannot survive long term at a chilly (60-74) temperature. Turtles can't just be fed "turtle pellets." They need at least some live food, plants and some prey. They must have an appropriate basking area. They require an excellent filtration system and regular cleaning. Most importantly, they need a BIG tank or pool. Personally, I believe it is downright cruel to keep an adult painted turtle in any enclosure less than 75 gallons. It's the equivalent of you being kept in a closet for your entire life. My turtle's tank is 150 gallons. This weighs a lot. Finally, if you really want a painted turtle, please consider rescuing one. They live a long time, upwards of 40 years if they are properly cared for. One can often find free turtles on craigslist and various rescue organizations.

Does a shark have a skeletal system?

I like turtles

What is the organ system for a sea turtles heart?

circulitory ?

Do turtles menstruate?

Only mammals have periods. Turtles are reptiles and reproduce by laying eggs. Therefore, no periods. Turtles don't even have wombs, since their embyoes develop in the egg, outside of the mother's body, usually buried in the ground.

Do turtle have a nervous system?

Yes, turtles have a nervous system. They have a brain that helps them process information and react to their environment. Their nervous system allows them to move, sense their surroundings, and perform various behaviors.

Do box turtles have a circulatory system?

ya! they are the same thing

What will happen if an organism went extinct?

For that organism it is a significant event as it would no longer exist. For the overall ecosystem the impact would be minimal as there is usually enough flexibility and alternate sources of prey for the system to work.As proof passenger pigeons, dodos, Tasmanian loves, dinosaurs and others have gone extinct bt life eventually continued on.

Why do sea turtles move to the water when they are born?

because they will have no oxygen in their resporarity system

What will happen if seahorses become extinct?

It would cause an imbalance in our ecological system.

Can turtles be rabid?

no the immune system of a turtle does not allow for it to become rabid or spread rabies.