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their tail drops of, hopefully the enemy would pay attention to the tail while the gecko escapes. The tail heals quickly so they grow a new one.

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Q: What unique method do Round Island Day Geckos' have of defending themselves?
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What unique method do round island geckos have to defend them selves?

As all geckos do, they have the ability to "drop their tail" meaning the cartalage at the base of their tails can contract and the tail can detach from the body. This will give the gecko a couple extra seconds to get away from harms reach. A few seconds is all a gecko usually needs to find it's self deep in brush.

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When in danger what does a gecko do?

When in danger a geckos instinct is to run. These animals are generally very quick and can escape harms way in a heart beat. Geckos that aren't so fortunate can release their tails as a method of distraction. The tail will continue to wiggle after it has separated from the body. The gecko will usually have a second chance at running, while the predator's attention is with the tail.

What is a myth about geckos?

There are two common myths of geckos. In South Eastern Asia, the native people believe that the tokay gecko are a method of warding off bad energy and spirits. Others in the area believe that if the tokay gecko is consumed that the effects can cure aids and HIV. The last and final myth of the Asian communities is that the tokay gecko is an aphrodisiac.

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Where do you catch a gecko on runescape?

With level 27 Hunter and a box trap, you'll find baby geckos on Karamja; as with most pets, there are varying colours: red, blue, green and orange/yellow. Red geckos can only be found throughout the Khazari Jungle (requires at least starting the Legends' Quest) whereas the other three are found throughout Karamja.Red - Khazari JungleBlue - north of Shilo Village, north-east of the mine.Green - far west side of the island, north coast past the Shipyard.Yellow/Orange - by the green geckos, or north-west of Shilo Village, west of the mine.

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