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Given the vague description - Either a Gopher snake or a King snake - neither of which are venomous.

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Q: What type of snake lives in western washington and is white with black patches... I found the snake in my backyard?
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What type of snake lives in western Washington and is white with black patches...?

The gopher snake, it's not venemous

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It sounds like you may have found a western fence lizard. They are typically black with blue patches on their back and sides, and they have long tails. These lizards are common in many parts of the United States.

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Goofy does not have patches on his arms. His skin is black, and he wears a black vest over an orange shirt.

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I believe that the darker patches are to show better depth.

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Why because the football has black patches

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Yes they do have patches. The orca's skin are mostly black with distinctive white patches. The number and sizes of patches do vary between individuals but they are distinctive.