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They eat hibiscus flowers

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Q: What type of flower petals do sloths eat?
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What type of bugs do sloths eat?

other sloths

How much food does sloths eat in a year?

they eat flower petles and somtimes figs

Do ladybugs eat flower petals?

No. They are carnivores, and their primary diet is aphids. Aphids may indeed eat flowers or leaves.

What type of plants do sloths eat?

They eat tree leaves such as the Cecropia tree.

What type of leaves do sloths eat?

They eat leaves , but which kind apparently differs between sloths, as the information about it comes from the mother and DNA.

Do sloths eat bananas?

no sloths eat Bananas. Sloths eat leaves, flower petals and other plant products. They are essentially herbivores. They are the perfect design presented so far by evolution to conserve energy to such an extreme that a simple feat like closing the eyelids takes a long time to be affected. So do their the most sluggish movement along the tree branch. They even give birth on trees. They eat small insects, leaves and lots of vegetation and bugs. the three toed only eats off a certain tree -all the fruit trees and leaves and eats nothing else.the two toed sloths eat all the other above

Do florists sell just flower petals?

no, they sell flowers and there petals. you can say "I want this type of flower petal" and they will give you the petals and price, same thing with the flowers, only you tell them how you want them arranged. i also need to wondered this q/a because i want to be a botanist (someone who studies plats and there formation and such) and a zooaligist (someone who studies the forms and habits of animals), and as we all know, animals EAT plants.

How plants are useful for habitats?

plants produce oxygen for us to breathe. they also take out the carbon dioxide without trees we would not be able to live XD

What was The first type of animals captured and trapped to eat later?

They were sloths.

Do sloths eat other sloths?

No, sloths DO NOT eat each other. I laugh at just thinking of it so much

Do sloths eat you or do they eat bugs?

Sloths do not eat you, and leaves are the REAL diet, or most of the diet.

What do sloths?

Sloths eat leaves, flower petals and other plant products. They are essentially herbivores. They are the perfect design presented so far by evolution to conserve energy to such an extreme that a simple feat like closing the eyelids takes a long time to be affected. So do their the most sluggish movement along the tree branch. They even give birth on trees. They eat small insects, leaves and lots of vegetation and bugs. the three toed only eats off a certain tree -all the fruit trees and leaves and eats nothing else.the two toed sloths eat all the other above