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Anoles as a group are not endangered, but several of the species are. There are a total of 361 currently recognized species (as of 2009). The IUCN redlist is the international body responsible for designating endangered species. As of 2009 they have only evaluated 38 species, 6 of which are considered threatened on some level (vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered).

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The Brown Anole, from Cuba and the Bahamas.

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Q: What type of anole threatened Florida's anoles?
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Type your answer here... To me, I think anole(lizard/...camellion) eggs, should be layed in fresh moist soil and take all male anoles-lizards out orelse they will eat their eggs. That't just my guess. I'm still waiting for an answer though. Ps. I do exactly what I said, but my eggs just don't seem to make it. my favorite animals in the world are anoles &....MEERKATS!!! By.

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yes, so I hear, it is ok to put other creatures in your anole habitat, just as long as they are similar in size and you have enough space for them all. so i am 9 years old my name is maria and your anwer is correct because i have 19 lizards in school

Is an anole a type of gecko?

No. Geckos are classified under the families Gekkonidae andGekkota. Anoles are classified under Polychrotidae. They are most closely related to iguanas; however they are the second-best climbing lizards next to geckos and the second-best colour-changing lizards next to chameleons (Chamaeleonidae).

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It eats mainly the Crested Anole a type of lizzarad.

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learned behavior

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Florida's weather is more like a sunny, dry, humid, and hot type. It doesn't really rain that much, though.

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Arid land.go green