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Q: What snakes can live with a gecko?
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What are gecko's enemies?

Their predators. Large birds and snakes too.

What group is the lizard in?

It is a reptile in the suborder Sauria or Lacertilia.

What are the Predators of a Gecko?

Cats, snakes, dogs everything that eats meat

How long do gecko's live for?

in my expirence it depends on the species of gecko. for example, a panther gecko only lives for about three years but a golden gecko can live up to 20

Who is the perditor of a gecko?

Gecko's have plenty of predators, however, some of the main ones are: Hawks (Birds) Snakes Other Reptiles Spiders Some Mammals

What are those Example of animals that are reptiles?

Snakes gecko's Dinosaurs crocodiles alligators etc

What is the geckos role in its community?

the gecko serves as a food to small birds, rats and snakes. the gecko also feeds on other lizards, plants, and small insects.

If you buy a gecko will you need to buy another?

No, one gecko can live by itself.

Can a crested gecko and panther gecko live together in a 20 gallon tank?


Do snakes live in rainforests?

Yes, snakes live in rainforests. Most snakes that live there are pythons.yes.

Can a leopard gecko live with a crocodile gecko?

No, a leopard gecko can live with other leopard geckos, if both are female. During the breeding season, males can be housed with females but not any other reptile, unless you want a dead gecko.

Name a reptile people keep as a pet?

Snake, Iguana, Gecko, Frog, Crocodile/Gator, Chameleon Lizards, snakes, sometimes crocodiles. Personally, I have 5 snakes, 2 geckos, and a Greek Tortoise. Family Feud: Snake Iguana Gecko Chameleon Alligator