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Frogs use the sense of smell to hunt down prey.

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Q: What sense does a crocodile use to catch prey?
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How does a crocodile use its tail to overcome its prey?

A crocodile uses its powerful tail for propulsion and steering while swimming, allowing it to quickly approach its prey. Additionally, the crocodile can use its tail as a weapon to strike, stun, or overturn its prey during an attack. The tail also helps the crocodile to maintain balance and stability while capturing and subduing its prey.

Do lions use their teeth or claws to catch their prey?

They use their claws to catch their prey, but they use their teeth to tear it apart.

How do marlins catch their prey?

Marlins have a spear-shaped jaw they use to catch their prey. They have very sharp teeth they use to pierce through the flesh of their prey.

How does bats locate prey?

They have a sonar and they use it to catch prey

What do eagles use to cach prey?

They use their claws to catch and scoop up prey from the ground.

What do jaguars use their claws for?

To catch their prey.

What does elf owl use to catch their prey?

they use there claws

What animals use speed to catch their prey?

Cheetahs are well-known for their speed and use it to catch prey such as gazelles. Falcons also rely on their speed to catch birds in flight. Dolphins use their agility and speed to catch fish in the ocean.

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What does a crocodile use its neck for?

A crocodile uses its neck to swallow prey whole. It also uses it to move its head up and down in the water to hide from predators.

What do predators have that helps them catch and kill their prey?

They were born with skill or their mother or father taught them

What sense does a snake use to track its prey?

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